Recently, the number of disputes regarding divorce in court has increased, which raises questions about how to collect child support if the father of the child does not work and does not pay child support, and what to do in such a situation.
In this article, we will consider how the amount of child support is calculated if the father does not work anywhere; the minimum amount of child support for a child; and what liability arises for non-payment of child support.
So, let’s try to figure out this situation.
Legal Basis for Collecting Child Support from an Unemployed Father
The Family Code of Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as the FC of Ukraine) sets out the legal regulation and procedure for collecting child support, as well as the rights and obligations of parents and children. Despite this, some readers do not fully understand the procedure for collecting child support when the father of the child does not work anywhere, and the question arises as to how to support the child if the father does not pay child support.
Ukrainian legislation protects the rights of parents and children, and our law firm will help you figure everything out.
Article 180 of the FC of Ukraine enshrines the obligation of parents to support the child. Parents are obliged to support the child until he or she reaches the age of majority.
The methods by which parents fulfill their obligation to support the child are determined by
agreement between them.
If parents do not sufficiently provide for the maintenance of the child or voluntarily fail to fulfill their obligation of parental care under an agreement on the payment of child support, current legislation provides for the compulsory collection of child support by court order.
The absence of official income does not release parents from the obligation to support a minor child.
Thus, according to the provisions of the Family Code of Ukraine, the parent with whom the child resides has the right to apply to the court for the issuance of a court order for the recovery of child support in the amount of:
- one quarter for one child;
- one third for two children;
- one half for three or more children
- for a child under 6 years old, the amount cannot be less than UAH 1,281.50;
- for a child from 6 to 18 years old, not less than UAH 1,598.
- personal income tax (18%) – UAH 3,744;
- military tax (1.5% or 5% – stated here as 5%) – UAH 1,040.
- the child’s health and financial situation;
- the child support payer’s health and financial situation;
- whether the child support payer has other children, a disabled spouse, parents, daughter, or son;
- any property and property rights owned, possessed, and/or used by the child support payer (including movable and immovable property, funds, exclusive rights to intellectual property, corporate rights);
- any expenses incurred by the child support payer, proven by the claimant, including for the purchase of immovable or movable property, in amounts exceeding ten times the subsistence minimum for an able-bodied person, unless the payer can prove the source of the funds;
- other circumstances that are important in determining the fixed amount.
- 20% of the debt if it exceeds one year;
- 30% if it exceeds two years;
- 50% if it exceeds three years.
- on temporarily restricting the debtor’s right to travel outside Ukraine;
- on temporarily restricting the debtor’s right to drive vehicles;
- on temporarily restricting the debtor’s right to use hunting firearms and/or pneumatic weapons;
- on temporarily restricting the debtor’s right to hunt.
of the earnings (income) of the child support payer, but not more than ten subsistence minimums per child of the corresponding age for each child. This norm is set out in Article 183 of the FC of Ukraine.
Taking into account current legislative norms, the lack of stable earnings of the father or mother of the child does not exempt him or her from paying child support and taking all necessary measures to maintain the minor child.
The amount of child support must be necessary and sufficient to ensure the harmonious development of the child.
The minimum guaranteed amount of support for one child cannot be less than 50% of the subsistence minimum for a child of the corresponding age.
In other words, regardless of whether the father receives income or not, he still has the obligation to support the child.
How Is Child Support Calculated for an Unemployed Father?
The amount of child support is determined by the court, depending on the claims stated in the lawsuit and taking into account the provisions of the Family Code of Ukraine.
The debt for child support awarded as a fraction of earnings (income) is determined based on the actual earnings (income) that the child support payer received during the period for which child support was not collected, regardless of whether such earnings (income) were received in Ukraine or abroad.
We draw readers’ attention to the fact that the child support arrears of an unemployed father (the child support payer) who was not working at the time the arrears arose, or who is an individual entrepreneur under a simplified taxation system, or who is a citizen of Ukraine receiving income in a state with which Ukraine does not have a mutual legal assistance treaty, is determined based on the average salary of a worker in the given locality (region) . This provision is set out in Article 195 of the FC of Ukraine.
Also, if the source and amount of the child support payer’s earnings (income) abroad are established, at the request of the child support recipient, the state and/or private enforcement officer recalculates the arrears.
The amount of child support arrears is calculated by the state (private) enforcement officer, and in the event of a dispute, by the court.
Currently, the minimum amount of child support provided by law cannot be less than 50% of the subsistence minimum for a child of the corresponding age, that is:
Let us consider the method of calculating child support based on the average salary in the region for an unemployed father.
Consider a situation where the father of the child does not officially work anywhere, is registered and resides in Kyiv. If there is a court decision to collect child support and an open enforcement proceeding, the state (private) enforcement officer calculates child support based on the average salary in the region for the corresponding month. For instance, in November 2024, the average salary in Kyiv was about UAH 20,800.
To determine the amount of child support, taxes and mandatory contributions are deducted from the average salary, namely:
Hence, the base for calculating child support is:
20,800 – 3,744 – 1,040 = 16,016 UAH
For simplicity, let’s calculate child support for one child, which amounts to 25% of the resulting net income:
16,016 UAH x 25% = 4,004.00 UAH
This is the amount the debtor must pay monthly for the maintenance of the child for the period when he was not working.
If the father starts receiving official income, 25% will be withheld from his current monthly income, and the overdue arrears for the past period will be repaid in installments at UAH 4,004.00 per month. At the same time, lump sum deductions for child support should not exceed 50% of the amount of the income received.
In this example, the amount withheld for child support should not exceed:
8,008.00 UAH per month (16,016 UAH x 50%)
Features of Assigning a Fixed Amount of Child Support
When filing a lawsuit for the recovery of child support, the claimant has the right to request the court to collect child support in a fixed amount. If the claim is granted, this fixed amount will be collected from the debtor until the child reaches the age of majority, which can last 10–15 years. During this time, significant inflationary processes may occur in Ukraine, and the amount of child support will remain unchanged; over time, these funds will become insufficient for the maintenance and development of the child.
The claimant will have to repeatedly go to court requesting an increase in the child support amount or a change in the method of collection, or indexation. This is often difficult, as the claimant will each time need to consult a lawyer for professional legal assistance.
When determining a fixed amount of child support, the court takes into account:
The court may also assign a fixed amount of child support if the payer does not have a permanent stable income or if it is too variable. In that case, the court can determine a fixed amount to be paid until the child reaches majority. If there are several children, the amount of payment for each child may decrease.
When child support is collected in a fixed amount, the claimant must provide documentary evidence in court of the legitimacy of his or her calculations and substantiate the demands.
This method of collecting child support in a fixed amount has its advantages and disadvantages for both parties. For example, if the child support payer loses a permanent job and is registered with the employment center, receiving unemployment benefits, he must still pay the fixed amount of child support determined by the court every month, regardless of the amount of assistance he receives. The amount of child support can exceed his allowance, and in such a case, the child support payer has the right to ask the court to change (reduce) the amount.
Note that the child support claimant can also petition the court to change the enforcement method of the child support order if the amount of child support is insufficient for the normal development of the child.
If you or your acquaintances face non-payment of child support, or the fixed amount is too low and insufficient for the child’s normal maintenance and development, our family lawyers will provide you with consultations on all legal issues, including additional expenses for child maintenance. We will help prepare an application to the court to change the enforcement method of the decision and address other matters.
For a more detailed legal consultation, you can contact our law firm at the numbers listed below.
Liability for Non-Payment of Child Support by an Unemployed Father
We draw readers’ attention to the fact that the liability for non-payment of child support, whether the father is unemployed or deliberately evades payment, is the same, except for criminal liability.
Thus, according to the Law of Ukraine “On Enforcement Proceedings,” in accordance with Article 71 “Procedure for Collecting Child Support,” the enforcement officer collects child support from the debtor in the amount determined by the enforcement document, but not less than the minimum guaranteed amount provided for by the Family Code of Ukraine.
If there is child support arrears whose total amount exceeds the sum of payments for three months, enforcement may be levied on the debtor’s property. Garnishment of wages does not prevent the debtor’s property from also being seized if there is still unpaid debt, the total amount of which exceeds the sum of payments for three months. In this regard, it makes no difference whether the father had a permanent job or intentionally evaded paying child support.
The child support recipient also has the right to collect a penalty (fine) of 1% of the unpaid child support amount for each day of delay (from the day the child support payment became overdue until the day it is fully paid or until the court issues a ruling on collecting the penalty), but not more than 100% of the debt amount. This rule is enshrined in Article 196 of the FC of Ukraine.
If there is a child support debt whose total amount exceeds the sum of the corresponding payments for one year, the enforcement officer issues a ruling imposing a fine on the debtor:
If the enforcement officer finds grounds indicating that the debtor’s actions constitute an administrative offense under Article 183-1 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses, the state (private) enforcement officer prepares a report of an administrative offense and sends it to the court at the location of the state enforcement service.
According to Article 183-1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, “Failure to Pay Child Support,” the failure to pay child support resulting in arrears exceeding the sum of the corresponding payments for six months from the day the enforcement document was submitted for compulsory enforcement entails the imposition of socially useful work for a period from 120 to 240 hours.
Note that under part 9 of Article 71 of the Law of Ukraine “On Enforcement Proceedings,” if there is a child support debt for more than four months, the enforcement officer issues reasoned rulings:
These restrictions remain in force until the arrears of child support are fully paid.
If the child support arrears exceed the sum of payments for three months, the enforcement officer explains to the claimant his or her right to contact the pre-trial investigation authorities with a complaint (notice) of a criminal offense committed by the debtor, namely the debtor’s evasion of paying child support.
Thus, for intentional evasion of paying child support, Article 164 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine “Evasion of Paying Child Support” provides for criminal liability in the form of community service from 80 to 120 hours, or arrest for up to three months, or restriction of liberty for up to two years.
For a more detailed legal consultation regarding the recovery of child support and its amount, we recommend that you turn to professionals – the lawyers of the “First Legal” law firm in Ukraine will help you! Fill out the application form on the website right now or call one of the following numbers: +38 (044) 35-35-164, +38 (067) 306-89-89, +38 (063) 45-85-448, +38 (099) 367-89-89.